Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age Information Revolution and Global Politics Series: Ian Brown, Christopher T. Marsden: Books: "Publication Date: 22 Mar 2013 | ISBN-10: 0262018829 | ISBN-13: 978-0262018821
Internet use has become ubiquitous in the past two decades, but governments, legislators, and their regulatory agencies have struggled to keep up with the rapidly changing Internet technologies and uses. In this groundbreaking collaboration, regulatory lawyer Christopher Marsden and computer scientist Ian Brown analyze the regulatory shaping of "code" -- the technological environment of the Internet -- to achieve more economically efficient and socially just regulation." 'via Blog this'
P.S. $40 in US or £26 in UK
Internet use has become ubiquitous in the past two decades, but governments, legislators, and their regulatory agencies have struggled to keep up with the rapidly changing Internet technologies and uses. In this groundbreaking collaboration, regulatory lawyer Christopher Marsden and computer scientist Ian Brown analyze the regulatory shaping of "code" -- the technological environment of the Internet -- to achieve more economically efficient and socially just regulation." 'via Blog this'
P.S. $40 in US or £26 in UK